
Showing posts from April, 2023

Budget Ministry Engages Plateau Northern Zone on 2024 Citizens’ Participation in the Budgeting Process

The Plateau State Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning has interacted with the citizens of the state at the headquarters of the three senatorial districts at a townhall meeting on citizen engagement in the budgeting process. Nde Dan-Philip Hirkop, Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Plateau State, while addressing the participants for the Northern Zone held at Joshua Dariye’s Hall, Plateau State Polytechnic, Jos Campus on April 20, 2023, highlighted that this occasion is an interactive session between the government and its citizens in the budget preparation process. Nde Hirkop maintained that it’s the desire of the ministry and that of the government to make a positive impact on the lives of the citizens after the successful completion of the process in question. The rationale behind the meeting is to strengthen transparency, accountability, and sustainability of government programs as well as gain government confidence in their implementation, the c

Plateau APC Knocks PDP Over Irresponsible And Inciting Press Conference

The All Progressives Congress in Plateau State has in recent times witnessed how a faction of the PDP in the state has resorted to very desperate moves all in a bid to "protect" what it calls its "God - given" mandate. This was amply demonstrated by the very irresponsible, satanic and inciting press conference by the factional Publicity Secretary of the PDP, John Akans which is replete with venomous invectives. This seriously calls for concern as it has grave implications for the peace, unity and security of the state. For instance, in its penchant for casting aspersions on the judiciary and attempt to divide its ranks, the PDP in the state called on the judiciary, (we wonder which judiciary) to "monitor the proceedings of the Plateau Governorship Tribunal to the Supreme Court as as they should not upturn the people's choice which will be totally unacceptable to the people" The incititement did not stop there but continued thus; " We also

You've Since Ceased to be PLHA Member –APC Slams Abok, PDP

Plateau State chapter of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, has slammed the erstwhile speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Ayuba Abok, over his non compliance to court's judgment execution procedure, and also disrupting legislative activities in the legislature. Addressing newssmen on Thursday at the APC's Secretariat in Jos, Publicity Secretary of the party, Hon. Sylvanus Namang lampooned Abok over his over zealous return to the House as Speaker in company of some Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, zealots and thugs at the instance of a High Court's judgment restoring him without following due process, and also stirring the hornet's nest which led to sealing of the legislative complex by the Commissioner of Police. Namang described Abok's action as hilarious comedy seeing that he has since ceased to be a member of the House by virtue of his defection from the APC, the platform upon which he rode to the legislature as enshrined in the Constitution

Qua'an-Pan LGA Gets Additional Divisional Police Office

In the bid to curb crimes and criminalities within Qua'an-Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, the LGC Administration in the area has constructed and handed over a new Divisional Police Office to the Nigerian Police on Wednesday April 12, 2023. Speaking during the handing over and commissioning of the office in Namu town, the Executive Chairman of Qua’an-Pan Local Government Council, Hon. Ernest Abner Da’a described the event as a fulfilment of his administration's assurance to the people of partnering with the various security agencies and outfits within and outside the LGA, towards maximization of their services to secure them. "You recalled that on assumption of office and in the face of the many security challenges we assured you of impactful partnership with the various security agencies and outfits within and outside of the LGA, towards the maximization of the services of the Army, Police and other recognized outfits, like The Vigilante, Community Police, Ne

Hon. Da’a Greets Christians at Easter

The Chairman of Qua’an-Pan Local Government Council of Plateau State, Hon. Ernest Abner Da’a has joined Christians around the world to celebrate Easter, urging them to use the occasion “to reflect on Christ-like virtues.” In a goodwill message to mark the  celebration, signed by Stephen Sarki Musa, his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs on Friday, Hon. Da’a said: "As we commemorate the agony, death and resurrection of Christ our Saviour, let us have a renewed hope, since His rising from the death signifies victory over death and evil.” “This is an occasion for sober reflection, because at the heart of Easter, is the triumph of light over darkness," the Chairman said. Da’a, further urged the people of Qua'an-Pan to celebrate the period with families, neighbors and communities, with love, compassion, kindness, resilience and forgiveness. The Council Chairman called on Christians to emulate Jesus Christ’s selfless virtues of sacrifice, forgiveness and service to hum