
Showing posts from July, 2023

23 Arrested as Plateau State Task Force on Environmental Sanitation Goes Tough on Defaulters

Following a declaration of state of emergency on sanitation by Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State, the monthly exercise has been sustained with a call on citizens to have an attitudinal change towards cleaning their environment. The Governor stated this saturday in Jos while supervising compliance of the sanitation exercise. Represented by the, Head of Service, Barr Rauta Dakok, Governor Mutfwang said though people have not fully come to terms with the need to stay at home to clean their surroundings, this month's sanitation has witnessed an improvement over last month's. He further stated his administrations resolve to rid the state of filth While responding to questions from The Grassroots Watch magazine, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Mr Albert Chaimang who doubles as the Chairman Committee on Environmental Sanitation, reveals that his ministry is making a proposal to the government to engage the public in waste management such that it will create

Joyous Moment in The Lamba's as they Dedicates Triplets 15 Years After

The joy of the family of Mr Peter Lamba, Permanent Secretary, Plateau State ministry of Budget and Economic Planing knows no bound as they dedicated their three new born babies after waiting on God for 15 years. Lamba who spoke to newsmen shortly after the dedication service, said words enough cannot express his joy for the blessings adding that in their waiting period he has never given up hope in God as he has seen the hand of God at work in his life. He said "God knows me by my name and He has blessed me." He declares. The young daddy and dedicated encourage people to always put their trust in God no matter how difficult the situation may appear. Also speaking, Mrs Sefi Peter Lamba, the mother of the newly born Triplets, recounts her family's dark days of waiting where it was difficult to even pray or believe that someday God will answer their prayers. adding, "today we are happy to dedicate these children to God the giver who has wiped our tears by blessing u

Qua'an-Pan APC Stakeholders Affirms its Total Commitment and Loyalty to APC

At the end of the APC Stakeholders meeting of Qua'an-Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, held on Friday July 21, 2023 at the NUT HALL, Baap, attended by the Executive and Legislative Councils, Party EXCO and Stakeholders from the 11 Federal Wards, the Local Government Area and the State resolved: 1. To remain committed, faithful, loyal and calm in the aftermath of the last Elections. 2. Expressed faith in the leadership of the party at all levels. 3. Expressed optimism of retrieving the mandates of the Party at the Tribunals. 4. Endorsed the leadership of the Party in the State, under Rt. Hon Simon Bako Lalong and pledged to continue to work hard for the success of the APC. 4. Endorsed the steps taken so far by the President and Commander In Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu towards the sustenance of democracy in the country. 5. Agreed to take the messages from the meeting to the 11 Federal Wards of LGA and to hold constant meetings at the

Plateau State is Not a Blood Bank, Stop the Incesant Bloodshed – Dr Jurbe Cautions Polticians and Religious Leaders

The chairman of Plateau Southern and Central zone unity forum (PLASCUF) Pst Polycarp Success Jurbe PhD, MD Jp, in a Press briefing with some selected media outfits in the state, frowned and condemned in strong terms the incessant bloodshed in the state. The chairman, caution the political and religious elites to shown all forms of bow wow along political and religious divide not to cause divisiveness amongst the peace loving plateau citizens. He said This schism will only perpetuates the civil unrest plateau have suffered one too many disconcerted scenario in the past. He further appealed to agents of Babel to consider peace as the only panacea for any meaningful development. Dr Jurbe who was contrite sued for peace and extends the Forums condolences to the affected families and the people of Mangu local government area. He prayed for the security apparatus to be diligent and wholistic in their operations. Dr Jurbe said Plateau is one and we must co-habit as one entity, owing to the fa


The Plateau Initiative for Development and Advancement of the Natives, PIDAN, the umbrella body of the 56 indigenous ethnic Nationalities in Plateau State is saddened by the resurgence of the circle of the daily annihilation of our people by some suspected Fulani herdsmen and Marchants of deaths; and the destabilization of the relative peace in Plateau State of late. These resumed dastardly well coordinated acts, which started in Riyom, spreading to Bassa, Barkin Ladi and Bokkos, has now shifted it's weapons of mass destruction to Mangu Local Government Area of the State. In the attacks on Riyom, Bassa, Barkin Ladi and Bokkos, many lives were loss, property, farmlands and houses or villages were razed beyond recognition. Not satisfied with it's wicked plans, these heavily armed and trained sponsored militia have turned their arsenals on Mangu Local Government Area.  In their evil voyage, the assailants have invaded and in commodor manner  attacked and ravaged about 52 villages

Plateau Deputy Speaker was Invalidly Nominated, witness tells Plateau Tribunal

Hearing continued on Monday in a Petition filed before the Plateau State House of Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Jos by Dalyop Isaac Gyang and his party the All Progressive Congress (APC) against Gwottson Fom and his People's Democratic Party PDP for the seat of Jos South state constituency. During cross examination before the Tribunal, the 1st Petitioner or PW1 maintained that the 1st Respondent was invalidly nominated by the 2nd Respondent for the March 18, 2023 election. When asked to confirm to the Tribunal that the name of the 1st Respondent was on the list of candidates INEC released long before the election, PW1 said he didn't bother to check because he knew his party did not have structure. Witness also confirmed making references to certain paragraphs in his witness statement on oath concerning court judgments proving that the 2nd Respondent has no valid structure in Plateau State. When given the exhibits (Court Judgments) and asked to point to where an

Ex Gov Lalong, Mazadu, reconciles, Put aside Differences For Plateau progress

Former Plateau State governor, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, who has been at loggerhead with the chairman Independent Publishers Association, IPA, and the Publisher of The Beacon Newspaper, Mr. Shabul Mazadu, was on Thursday, July 6th, 2023, has reconciled and put aside their differences for Plateau progress and its unity. Lalong while speaking to APC stakeholders, elders, stalwarts and other party faithfuls at the party's secretariat Kalwa House, Yakubu Gowon Way Jos, asked for forgiveness from all those he offended including the media, but was specific on his staunch critic, Shabul Mazadu, Publisher of The Beacon Newspaper. The former governor said, "Everybody that is here including the journalists, even the ones that were my friends that fought me. I also fought them, but today we are friends. Mazadu, I hope after this meeting we are back together as friends". He said. When contacted, Shabul Mazadu who was invited to cover the event as a journalist, said he has forgive


The Plateau State Government and the Republic of Bulgaria have agreed to go into partnership in the areas of Agriculture, Information and  Communications Technology, Education and Infrastructural development. The agreement was reached when the Bulgarian Ambassador to Nigeria, Yankovic V. Yordanov paid a courtesy visit on the Plateau State Governor, His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang on Tuesday in Abuja. Receiving his guest, Governor Mutfwang expressed the readiness of the Plateau State Government to collaborate with Bulgarian companies not only in the area of agriculture but in technical education; Information and Communication Technology; infrastructural development and scholarship for staff of the Plateau State University, Bokkos. He explained that the gesture will boost the dwindling economic situation of the state and upgrade the Plateau State University to a reputable citadel of learning. He said Plateau State is endowed with a favorable weather condition to grow differ