
Showing posts from April, 2021


Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has sworn in the new head of the State Civil Service Engr. Sunday Chong Hyat and 14 new Permanent Secretaries with a warning for them to guard against politicising the service. Governor Lalong said the appointments which were made purely on merit, became necessary to fill existing vacancies created by the retirement of the Head of Service Mr. Izam Azi, mni and some Permanent Secretaries. He urged them to consider their appointments as a great privilege to contribute their quota towards building a greater Plateau State by showing excellence and patriotism.  He said "Your appointments are not opportunities to engage in self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment and pursuance of parochial interests. Rather, these responsibilities demand that you take your commitments to the next level by exhibiting high sense of duty and patriotism. I expect you to be above board in your conduct in order to assert yourselves and earn the confidence of those under yo

SSANU Urges President Buhari To Caution NUC Scribe To Stay Off Uni Jos VC Selection

Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) University of Jos chapter has appealed to the visitor of the university, President Muhammadu Buhari, to warn the Executive Secretary, National University Commission (NUC) Prof. Abubakar Abdulrasheed, to stay clear of the selection process of a new vice chancellor of the institution. The association accused NUC executive secretary of planning to truncate the selection process of the next vice chancellor of the University of Jos. SSANU Secretary, Comrade Muplang Simon Kangpe, made the appeal in a press release issued in Jos, Plateau State at the permanent site of the university on Monday. “The Visitor to the University should as a matter of urgency call the attention of Professor Abubakar Abdulrasheed the Executive Secretary NUC to desist from interfering with the activities of the University Governing Council who were appointed to oversee the activities of the University on behalf of the Visitor,” the statement said. It also warn


Governor Simon Bako Lalong has been commended for his peace efforts that have restored confidence and mitigated human disasters associated with violence and conflicts in Plateau State.  Speakers at a the launch of a book on Disaster and Conflict in Abuja described the Governor as a peacemaker who has become a shining example for de-escalating violence and creating sustainable platform for mutual understanding and dialogue.  The Book facilitated by the Federal Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs and Special Duties examined the challenges of disasters that are generated from conflicts in Nigeria and how to mitigate them. Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs and Special Duties Sen. George Akume said Nigerians need to continue to foster peaceful coexistence as a way of preventing disasters that end up hurting development. He said Governor Lalong has proven to be one of the examples of leaders who can be relied upon to galvanise people to do the right thing by embracing one another. For

Plateau State Government Commences Roll Out Of NIN Registration Centres

Following the approval by the Federal Government for Plateau State to participate in the ongoing National Identity Management System (NIMS) which is implemented by the National Identity Management Commission under the Digital Identity Ecosystem project, the State Government has rolled out its first NIN Registration Centre in Jos. The NIN Data Registration Centre located at the JD Gomwalk Secretariat Jos is the first of the State's intervention to ensure that indigenes and residents of the State are enrolled into the National Identity Data Base (NIDB) for the issuance of the National Identity Number (NIN) with ease. The roll out which is expected to gradually be extended to the 17 Local Governments, is being coordinated by the Plateau State Information, Communication and Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, who were directed by Governor Simon Bako Lalong to serve as implementing partners after the approval was secured. Already, the agenc

BREAKING: President Buhari returns from medical trip to UK

President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to the country from the United Kingdom, UK where he went for a medical check-up. Buhari arrived at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport on Thursday evening. More details to follow …….

EFCC: Bawa Charges Staff To Maintain Core Values In Tackling Graft

            Bawa EFCC boss Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa has charged staff of the Commission to adhere to the virtues of courage, integrity and professionalism, which are the core values of the Commission, in tackling economic and financial crimes. He stated this on Thursday, April 8, 2021 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State  while addressing staff of the Port Harcourt Zonal Office of the EFCC.  According to him, the task of combating economic and financial crimes requires that extant laws are enforced as they should and for staff of the Commission to do this, they must adhere to the core values of the EFCC.  " Leaders of the EFCC should enforce the laws the way they are expected to be enforced. If you cross the line, the EFCC will investigate you and take you to court. But above all,  we must do this with "courage,  integrity and professionalism which are  the core values of the Commission and these are the

Breaking:KARL KUMM, ANAN & 20 Other Universities Get Operational Licenses Weeks After Federal Approval.

Karl Kumm University, ANAN an 20 others has been issued “provisional license” for the commencement of academic activities by the National Universities Commission (NUC). One of the Nigeria Fast rising Church, Church of Christ in Nations, (COCIN) owned University was issued the operational license on Thursday in Abuja, along with ANAN University, that is also located in Plateau State and 20 other private Universities that were approved by the Federal Executive Council in February were also issues operational licenses. This is coming six weeks after the Federal Executive Council approved their establishment. Executive Secretary of NUC, Prof. Abubakar Abdulrasheed Urge the new Universities to adhere to all the operational guidelines provided by the Commission. All the newly licensed Private Universities according to the NUC Secretary will work under the mentorship of older universities nearby. This Implies that the Newly approved ANAN University Kwall, Plateau state will along with Karl K

Hon. Kumsol & Officials of NEMA & SEMA Visits Namu Central Yam Market To Assest The Level Of Damage caused by fire outbreak.

The Member representing Shendam/Qua'an Pan/Mikang Federal Constituency Plateau state, Hon. Kumsol Alphonsus Longgap on Tuesday embarked on an assessment visit of the Namu Central Yam Market to ascertain the level of damage cause by the fire outbreak in company of some NEMA and SEMA officials. Hon. Kumsol commiserated with the victims and the traditional ruler of the community, Long Jan of Namu, Safiyanu Allahnana over the incident. Hon. Komsol described the unfortunate development as “the worst moment. I am in Namu to see what i can do as you know that APC government are concerned about the plights of the people. I also want to call on the attention of the Federal Government, NGOs and other spirited individuals to come to the aid of this people. You've seen it even the seedlings that they are going to use in getting more of the yam, it got burnt. I pray God in His infinite mercy will continue to see the victims”. He said. The Namu ward Councillor, Musa Muhammad appreciates t

Lalong Legacy Projects: Reason Why Government Revoked Contract With BLENESON Revealed

The Sub-Contractors Forum of the Lalong Legacy Projects said the main Contractor was sacked by the Plateau State Government for not meeting up with the dateline given, non payment of Subcontractors, among other issues. They also appeal to those commenting on the sacking of the main contractor to cross check their facts before going public about information they are not sure of. The Forum disclosed this through its Secretary, Morgan M. Peter, in a press statement made available to journalists in Jos, the State Capital. It reads: “Our attention has been drawn to a press release on the 21st March, 2021 by one Mr. John T. Akans. “Looking at the press release carefully between the lines, we understand that, politics has now creped in and of course, one will be quick to judge that the writer is scouting for cheap political gains, we strongly advice against that, because it can be antagonistic for meaningful development. The Forum maintained that, “We would have expected that in as much as th


Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has received with delight the appointment of the Chaplain, Government House Chapel, Rt. Rev Msgr. David Ajang as Bishop-elect, Catholic Diocese of Lafia by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Governor Lalong said he is excited about the news because of the suitability of Fr. Ajang to carry out the assignment. He said apart from working closely with Fr. Ajang as Chaplain of the Government House, he has followed closely his exploits as a member of the College of Consultors of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Jos, and Pastor of the Immaculate Conception and Dean of Zarmaganda in Jos. Governor Lalong said he has no doubt that the newly appointed Bishop-elect will take the Catholic Diocese of Lafia to greater heights as he shepherds the faithful and leads them in the path of righteousness, truth and love. While thanking Fr. David Ajang for his prayers, counsel and spiritual guidance over the years, Governor Lalong said the new Bishop-elect of Lafia will be