
Showing posts from December, 2023

Nigeria, Blood and Crucifixion on The Plateau.

By Mathew Hassan Kukah By the banks of the Niger river, on the hills of the Plateau, across the lush savannahs of the Middle Belt, we have sat down and wept. We have questions crying for answers: Who are these killers? Where are they coming from? Who is sponsoring them? What are their grouses and against whom? What do they want? Whom do they want? Who are they working for? When will it all end? Why are they invincible and invisible? Who is offering them cover? Those invisible men came to the Plateau again, bearing their gifts of death and destruction. They came from the deepest pit of hell, the habitat of the devils that they are. They are children of darkness, sons of Satan. They opted to extinguish and snatch the light of the joy of Christmas from thousands of people on the Plateau. They imagined they would ignite an orgy of blood, seduce the ordinary peace-loving people of the Plateau and set them on a mission of mindless murder of fellow citizens in the name of retaliation. The wor

Sen Jang Urges Urgent Action and State Police in Wake of Plateau Killings

In the aftermath of the Christmas Eve attack on communities in Bokkos and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas of Plateau State, Senator Jonah David Jang has issued a press statement expressing deep grief and emphasizing the urgent need for state police to address the escalating violence. Comrade Clinton Garuba, the Media Consultant to Senator David Jang, conveyed the senator’s condolences to the families who lost loved ones during the heinous attack. The senator condemned the orchestrated act by individuals determined to disrupt the peace of the state, depriving ordinary Plateau citizens of the serenity bestowed by nature. The Christmas Eve massacre, targeting harmless villagers in their homes as they prepared to celebrate the holiday, is described by Senator Jang as the most horrendous wickedness imaginable. The senator highlighted that the killers, seemingly on a cleansing agenda, aim to take over the lands of the people they try to wipe out. Expressing concern over the continuous kil

Philanthropist & Business Man Kefas Ropshik, Shares 2000 Bags Of Rice To Less Privilege, Calls On Plateau People To Unite Over Insecurity

As part of his contributions to building a society guaranteed a secure future, Politician and Philanthropist, Chief Kefas Ropshik has urged the elite and the political class to be intentional about the welfare of those within the margins in society Mr. Ropshik who celebrated both his birthday and 15th year anniversary in philanthropy and humanitarianism distributed food and other critical items worth millions of Naira to widows and children. Speaking about his sojourn of touching lives so far, chief Kefas said “I thank God for the enablement to do this despite the challenges through the years, it is not easy to do what we’re doing consistently but here we are by the grace of God. “Adopting children that are not related to you directly by blood comes with its down sides because they have their uniqueness. “We are appreciative of the fact that despite all these, they’re doing well, including academically.” He goes further to urge capable citizens to take the challenge of adopting childre

Late Ponzhi Jat, Rwamko Wuyep Laid to Rest Amidst Tears

By Jerry Jatdul & Danladi Nanman, Langtang It was a mixture of tears and tributes on Friday, 15th December, 2023 when the remains of the Ponzhi Jat, Rwamko Wuyep was committed to mother earth at his family compound, Kangkur district of Langtang North Local Government Area of Plateau State. Before his final interment, a funeral service was held in his honour at the Ponzhi Jat Palace, Kangkur in Langtang North LGA of Plateau State. Late Ponzhi Jat, Rwamko Wuyep was born on 26th May 1940 and died on Saturday 21st October, 2023 at the age of 83. Speaking at the funeral service, the Acting President Langtang Joint Traditional Council and the Ponzhi Zinni, Nimnan Langnim, condoled with the Wuyep family and called on the children to emulate the virtues of the deceased. Testimonies from the family, uncles, friends, children and Traditional rulers revealed that the Late Ponzhi Jat, Rwamko Wuyep was a selfless paramount ruler, deeply rooted in Christ and pacemaker who always leaves an indeli


THE CONFERENCE OF AUTOCHTHONOUS ETHNIC NATIONALITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATIONS (CONAECDA) 15TH DECEMBER 2023 THE TUDUN BIRI ERROR We received with pains the recent collateral killing of over 100 Citizens of Tudun Biri village of Kaduna State on 3rd December 2023. The bombing of the village which the Nigeria army described as an error is one among many of such errors in the past 16 years of war against terrorist among which are the Boko Haram and the Bandits or Yan-Bindiga terrorist groups. One of the major courses of these “errors” has been the imbedding of these terrorists in communities where they terrorize civilians into silence or instances where the civilians become tacit supporters of the terrorists. Another reason is the perception among Nigerians that some military officers use their offices to deliberately injure communities against which they hold some form of grudges. It is these reasons that often lead sections of the communities to accuse the Nigerian army of bias

Hon. Ado Yusuf Re-Echo Unity Amongst KETCOSA Members, Calls On Government To Revamp The College.

The Transition Implementation Committee chairman of Kanam Local Government Area of Plateau state, Hon. Ado Yusuf has called on the government of Nasarawa state to see the important needs of revamping Government Teachers College, Keffi in the state. The Chairman said it is important to bequeath a long lasting legacy to our younger children coming up to  know the important roles the college has played in the development of Nasarawa state in particular and entire nigeria in general. The Chairman  who is an old student of the college was speaking in an interview with Journalists during the National Congress / Convention Government  Teachers College (KETCOSA), tagged Plateau 2023, held at De Bridge Ville Hotel and suites opposite Hill Crest School Jos, Saturday 11th November 2023. He said he is participating on the Congress/convention of the College as Alumni so that at the end of it, will can be able to bring on board  a viril EXCO that will pilot the affairs of the college for the next th

Plateau Ministerial Slot: Group Jostle for Rufus Bature as Lalong's Replacement

A group under the aegis of Plateau Progressive Youths Forum, has expresses its unwavering support and passionate appeal for the consideration of Hon. Rufus Bature as a replacement of the Minister of Labor and Employment, following the recent declaration of the Minister of Labour & Employment, Rt Hon. Simon Bako Lalong as the duly elected Senator to represent the good people of Plateau Southern Senatorial District by the Apeal Court. The group in a statement signed by the spokeperson, Hon. Solomon Samuel Badung, alias auta APC, and issued to The Age, indicates that, "Plateau North Senatorial district elections of 2019, Hon. Rufus Bature, representing the All Progressives Congress (APC), demonstrated commendable resilience, by securing 171,233 votes amidst a closely contested race. This electoral performance, despite the challenges faced, underscores the widespread support and trust vested in Hon. Bature by the constituents". The statement added, "historical context of