
Just in: Education Still Stands Our Top Priority— Gov. Lalong To Visitation Panel Of FCE Pankshin

Governor Simon Bako Lalong has said that education remains a priority of his administration as he believes that the solution to the problems of poverty, under development and insecurity can only be overcome through an enlightened citizenry. The Governor stated this when he received the Federal Government Visitation Panel to the College of Education Pankshin, Plateau State. Governor Lalong said the Institution has been very successful in training teachers for the nation with many of them from Plateau State who have contributed to the development of the State and the nation. He said the setting up of the Panel has become very important in order to assess the progress of the school and look at its challenges. Lalong urged the team to do a thorough work which is expected to set the school on a higher footing to deliver on its mandate particularly in the era where education is driven by ICT. Chairman of the Visitation Panel Prof. Frances Obafemi said the team has been carefully selected bas

Gov. Lalong Sad over the demised of NASCO Founder, Ahmed Idris Nasreddin

Governor Simon Bako Lalong has expressed the deep condolences of the people and Government of Plateau State to the NASCO family over the passing of the founder of the Nasco Group of Companies, Ahmed Idris Nasreddin who died at the age of 97. Governor Lalong in a message of commiseration described the passing of the patriarch of the NASCO family as a great loss not only to the family, but to people of Plateau State and Nigeria as a whole. Lalong said the late Nasreddin was a visionary leader who established NASCO in Jos in 1963 as the first jute bag factory in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa, in response to the desire of the Nation’s founding fathers to meet the challenges for the effective bagging, storage and export of the large agricultural products from the country. He said “This vision by the late Ahmed Idris Nasreddin saw the company growing from its little beginnings to become a major conglomerate with successful companies in manufacturing, real estate, hospitality and logistics,

International Day of Museum and Monument celebrated in Jos amidst pomp and pageantry

National Commission For Museums And Monuments (NCMM) in collaboration with the Mupun Cultural Development Association (MUCDA) on Tuesday, May 18th, held her International Museum Day as set aside every year. The event held at Jos Museum premises. The theme of this year's Museum Day tagged, ‘The Future of Museums:Recover and Re-imagine’. The Director General National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Prof Abba Isa Tijani, said we and our global partners have set in motion unprecedented moves which have the tendency of introducing previously unimagined paradigm shifts in the affairs of cultural property ownership and management in the world. In this wise, the German Government, Federal and States are taking the lead in Europe in cementing the future of this relationship by agreeing to release numerous priceless antiquities belonging to Nigeria. The DG disclosed this while declaring open, the 2021 International Museum Day (IMD) in Jos, adding “several hundreds of Benin Bronzes p
PRESS RELEASE FROM THE PLATEAU PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (PPA) The leadership of the Plateau Publishers Association, (PPA) wish to inform the general public that the Plateau Publishers Association is united and waxing stronger by the day. It is worthy of note and to put the record straight, that on Sunday 16 May, 2021 at its temporary office situated at Kalwa House Jos, the Plateau State Capital, at its General Congress Meeting of the Association which was preceded over by its former Interim Chairman Mr Shabul Mazadu to give his stewardship report as his interim committee's tenure of six months duration is fast coming to an end on the 27, May, 2021. It is also worthy of note, that the general public should know that a collective decision was taken by the majority of the congress members to dissolve the Shabul Mazadu's interim committee and set up a five man Electoral Committee (ELCOM). The following persons emerged as the ELCOM members after a vote was cast:1) Chief Amos Gizo as C

Jos South: Abattoir Residents Protest Release of Lebanese Who Allegedly Engage Minors in Sexual Activities.

                     Protesters There was palpable tension at Abattoir Area Giring Ward Jos South LGA, Plateau State, as Residents of the Area came out in their numbers to protest against the nefarious activities of a Lebanese who they accused of engaging minors in sexual activities such as having sexual knowledge of them and making pornographic videos with his victims. His victims according to Residents are Teenage Girls of less than 15 years two of which he has put in the family way. Some Residents said they reported the nefarious activities of the Lebanese at the Abattoir Police Station but he was released without any stiff penalty only for him to return to same obnoxious activities. They said they were protesting at the Police Station to ensure that justice prevail. They described as horrible and sad the hapless situations of the minors and their parents. They decried how the Culprit was released despite the gravity of his crime. They said the Culprit must have paid his way out of

Pauline Tallen Mourns LT. Gen. Dogonyaro RTD

I received with immense shock the news of the passing of a brother and a most patriotic Nigerian Lt. General Joshua Nimyet Dogonyaro at the age of 80. I especially commiserate with his family at the loss of such a loving and devoted father to family and nation. 2. The late General was a very outstanding military officer whose dedication to the oath he swore to for the defence of Nigeria was uppermost in all his activities. 3. It is on record that his exploits as a Commander of the ECOMOG troops in the 90s helped a great deal to stabilize the West African subregion and indeed the continent and spared it unnecessary bloodshed. 4. As a daughter of Plateau State, I especially condole with my Governor, Barr. Simon Bako Lalong, the Government and people of Plateau State on the loss of this illustrious citizen whose contributions to the will development and fame of the State as great defenders of the Unity of the country will forever remain in our hearts. 5. As family and friends grapple wit

Governor Lalong Greets Muslims At Sallah

                 Gov. SB Lalong As the Muslim community in Plateau State joins the rest of the world to mark the Eid-el-ftr, marking the end of the Ramadan fast, Governor Simon Bako Lalong has asked them to continue to live up to the tenets of their faith and allow the benefits of the just concluded fasting reflect in their character and actions.  Governor Lalong while congratulating them for a successful ramadan fast, said the current challenges Nigeria is witnessing particularly insecurity require not only prayers, but commitment from all citizens to change the tide.  Lalong acknowledges that although the Government has the major responsibility of protecting the lives and property of the citizens, said such duty only succeeds when the people give the government the necessary support.  He praised the people of Plateau State for supporting his administration in working for the return of peace in the State which is bringing tremendous development whereby many investors are coming in to

PRESSS RELEASE: The Demise Of Former Minister Of Women Affairs And Social Development, Senator Aisha Jummai AL-Hassan

        Late Sen. Al-Hassan At this crucial time in our Nation's history, when Nigerian women are agitating for more women representation, we were hit with sad news of the demise of a great Nigerian woman political icon, "Mama Taraba.’ 2. Nigerian Women join the family, friends, well wishers, members of the National Assembly,  the Government and People of Taraba State to mourn a great woman, an icon of Hope, an Amazon of Nigerian women's political voice, a lover of the downtrodden, a trail blazer, a former Senator and Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Senator Aisha Jummai Al-Hassan. 3. Her death at this time is indeed a colossal, irreplaceable and irreparable loss, which leaves a big vacuum in the journey for women’s political representation in Nigeria.    4. Nigeria has truly lost one of its finest crusader of  girl-child education, gender advocate, philanthropist, Legal Luminary and women activist.   5. The Management an

Lalong Determined To Boost Economic Fortunes Of Plateau State

  The Plateau State Governor, Simon Bako Lalong on Friday said his adminstration is determined to  boost the economic fortunes of the State. The governor made this known while speaking at the commissioning of the Nigerian Shippers Council North Central Coordinating office and visual presentation of proposed maritime resources center in Jos by the  Minister of Transport, Hon. Rotimi Amaechi. Lalong said: "I am highly honoured to welcome you to this very important event which is the commissioning of the Nigerian Shippers Council North Central Coordinating Office and visual presentation of the proposed Maritime Resource Centre here in our beautiful capital city of Jos.     Let me welcome and thank specially my friend and brother the Honourable Minister of Transport, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Rotimi Amaechi and the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Shippers Council for doing this honour to Plateau State by citing this very important project here.  Although the State is very suitable

Global Partnership Of World Powers As a Viable Option For Resolving Insidious Security Crisis in Nigeria

By Yakubu Busari, Jos. Da Jonathan Sunday Akuns  Galadiman Daffo is the author He's a PDP chieftain on the Plateau. On Tuesday, 27th April 2021 responded that a British envoy, the Minister for Africa, James Duddridge announced in Abuja that the ongoing security problems in Nigeria were “ massively complex and no partnership is going to resolve such multiplicity of problems”.  Duddridge made the statement while responding to questions from journalists in the course of a courtesy visit to Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama.  In furtherance, the envoy linked security issues in Nigeria to being “… not just about intelligence and hard security and military, [but to issues] about societies, about humanitarian support [and] about education …” as one of the key reasons why a partnership will not work in resolving the problems.  The statement of the envoy is profound and is arguably a smokescreen.  The advent of British ‘sphere of influence’ in Africa for trade interests


Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has sworn in the new head of the State Civil Service Engr. Sunday Chong Hyat and 14 new Permanent Secretaries with a warning for them to guard against politicising the service. Governor Lalong said the appointments which were made purely on merit, became necessary to fill existing vacancies created by the retirement of the Head of Service Mr. Izam Azi, mni and some Permanent Secretaries. He urged them to consider their appointments as a great privilege to contribute their quota towards building a greater Plateau State by showing excellence and patriotism.  He said "Your appointments are not opportunities to engage in self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment and pursuance of parochial interests. Rather, these responsibilities demand that you take your commitments to the next level by exhibiting high sense of duty and patriotism. I expect you to be above board in your conduct in order to assert yourselves and earn the confidence of those under yo

SSANU Urges President Buhari To Caution NUC Scribe To Stay Off Uni Jos VC Selection

Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) University of Jos chapter has appealed to the visitor of the university, President Muhammadu Buhari, to warn the Executive Secretary, National University Commission (NUC) Prof. Abubakar Abdulrasheed, to stay clear of the selection process of a new vice chancellor of the institution. The association accused NUC executive secretary of planning to truncate the selection process of the next vice chancellor of the University of Jos. SSANU Secretary, Comrade Muplang Simon Kangpe, made the appeal in a press release issued in Jos, Plateau State at the permanent site of the university on Monday. “The Visitor to the University should as a matter of urgency call the attention of Professor Abubakar Abdulrasheed the Executive Secretary NUC to desist from interfering with the activities of the University Governing Council who were appointed to oversee the activities of the University on behalf of the Visitor,” the statement said. It also warn


Governor Simon Bako Lalong has been commended for his peace efforts that have restored confidence and mitigated human disasters associated with violence and conflicts in Plateau State.  Speakers at a the launch of a book on Disaster and Conflict in Abuja described the Governor as a peacemaker who has become a shining example for de-escalating violence and creating sustainable platform for mutual understanding and dialogue.  The Book facilitated by the Federal Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs and Special Duties examined the challenges of disasters that are generated from conflicts in Nigeria and how to mitigate them. Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs and Special Duties Sen. George Akume said Nigerians need to continue to foster peaceful coexistence as a way of preventing disasters that end up hurting development. He said Governor Lalong has proven to be one of the examples of leaders who can be relied upon to galvanise people to do the right thing by embracing one another. For

Plateau State Government Commences Roll Out Of NIN Registration Centres

Following the approval by the Federal Government for Plateau State to participate in the ongoing National Identity Management System (NIMS) which is implemented by the National Identity Management Commission under the Digital Identity Ecosystem project, the State Government has rolled out its first NIN Registration Centre in Jos. The NIN Data Registration Centre located at the JD Gomwalk Secretariat Jos is the first of the State's intervention to ensure that indigenes and residents of the State are enrolled into the National Identity Data Base (NIDB) for the issuance of the National Identity Number (NIN) with ease. The roll out which is expected to gradually be extended to the 17 Local Governments, is being coordinated by the Plateau State Information, Communication and Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, who were directed by Governor Simon Bako Lalong to serve as implementing partners after the approval was secured. Already, the agenc

BREAKING: President Buhari returns from medical trip to UK

President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to the country from the United Kingdom, UK where he went for a medical check-up. Buhari arrived at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport on Thursday evening. More details to follow …….

EFCC: Bawa Charges Staff To Maintain Core Values In Tackling Graft

            Bawa EFCC boss Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa has charged staff of the Commission to adhere to the virtues of courage, integrity and professionalism, which are the core values of the Commission, in tackling economic and financial crimes. He stated this on Thursday, April 8, 2021 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State  while addressing staff of the Port Harcourt Zonal Office of the EFCC.  According to him, the task of combating economic and financial crimes requires that extant laws are enforced as they should and for staff of the Commission to do this, they must adhere to the core values of the EFCC.  " Leaders of the EFCC should enforce the laws the way they are expected to be enforced. If you cross the line, the EFCC will investigate you and take you to court. But above all,  we must do this with "courage,  integrity and professionalism which are  the core values of the Commission and these are the

Breaking:KARL KUMM, ANAN & 20 Other Universities Get Operational Licenses Weeks After Federal Approval.

Karl Kumm University, ANAN an 20 others has been issued “provisional license” for the commencement of academic activities by the National Universities Commission (NUC). One of the Nigeria Fast rising Church, Church of Christ in Nations, (COCIN) owned University was issued the operational license on Thursday in Abuja, along with ANAN University, that is also located in Plateau State and 20 other private Universities that were approved by the Federal Executive Council in February were also issues operational licenses. This is coming six weeks after the Federal Executive Council approved their establishment. Executive Secretary of NUC, Prof. Abubakar Abdulrasheed Urge the new Universities to adhere to all the operational guidelines provided by the Commission. All the newly licensed Private Universities according to the NUC Secretary will work under the mentorship of older universities nearby. This Implies that the Newly approved ANAN University Kwall, Plateau state will along with Karl K

Hon. Kumsol & Officials of NEMA & SEMA Visits Namu Central Yam Market To Assest The Level Of Damage caused by fire outbreak.

The Member representing Shendam/Qua'an Pan/Mikang Federal Constituency Plateau state, Hon. Kumsol Alphonsus Longgap on Tuesday embarked on an assessment visit of the Namu Central Yam Market to ascertain the level of damage cause by the fire outbreak in company of some NEMA and SEMA officials. Hon. Kumsol commiserated with the victims and the traditional ruler of the community, Long Jan of Namu, Safiyanu Allahnana over the incident. Hon. Komsol described the unfortunate development as “the worst moment. I am in Namu to see what i can do as you know that APC government are concerned about the plights of the people. I also want to call on the attention of the Federal Government, NGOs and other spirited individuals to come to the aid of this people. You've seen it even the seedlings that they are going to use in getting more of the yam, it got burnt. I pray God in His infinite mercy will continue to see the victims”. He said. The Namu ward Councillor, Musa Muhammad appreciates t