Hon. Na'anlong Daniel Gapyil Inspect Ongoing Projects.


...Flags Off New Road Construction Project In His Constituency.


          Hon.  Na'anlong Daniel

The Majority Leader of the Plateau State House of Assembly & Member representing Mikang constituency Hon. Na'anlong Gapyil Daniel has taken time to inspect & supervised some ongoing projects initiated by him across his constituency.

Amongst some of the major projects been inspected were-

At the Piapung-Nbeet road, The Hon. Member was however impress with the level of work already ongoing on the site but urge the contractor to speed up work to enable the people have a smooth access.

At the Piapung Youth and Recreational centre which is the biggest in the whole constituency, The Hon. Member expresses satisfaction at the level of work done so far at the newly completed edifces and immediately ordered the roofing of the Centre.

Hon. Member and his entourage then moved straight to TEHL DISTRICT where he flag off the construction of ZAMWAI- PANGKUI ROAD.

In his address, The Hon. Member uses the opportunity to thank The Governor Simon Bako Lalong led administration, The Leadership of the APC for the support and cordial relationship he has enjoyed so far to have enabled him achieved all that has been done to his constituents and promised to bring more developmental and human capital projects that will continue to touch the lives of many in his constituency.

The Flag off of the newly Zamwai-Pangkui road Construction had in attendance The Plateau State Engineer, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development who came to witness the flag off and also applauded Hon. Na’anlong Daniel which he said, the People of Mikang are lucky to have a legislator per excellent who has never relent in representing theirt interest and rank him as one of the best legislators Plateau State had ever produced because his persistent ability to lobby for the development of his constituency. He therefore encouraged The People of Mikang Constituency to keep faith with him as the Hon. Member Have in stock for his people.

In their separate remarks, The A.P.C State Party Chairman ably represented by The State APC treasurer Hon. Naanmiep Pingwai {Nijeria} Uses that avenue to thank the Hon. member for his numerous projects across Mikang.

The Youth Leader of Piapung Mr. Jacob Kangyep described the Hon. Member as God send to the people because he has made them proud and promises to give him overwhelming support any time he called on them.

The climax of the supervision was at The Mikang Local Government Council Secretariat where the Hon. Member supervises the building of an E-library intiated by him. Which if completed will serve as an ICT Centre for the benefit of all constituents in the Locality and also ordered for the roofing to commence im

Other Members who accompanied the Hon. Member on the inspection tour includes- The Leader Mikang Legislative Arm Hon. Samuel Kumpes, Elected & Supervisory Councillors, Party Excos and Constituents.


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