Opinion: Of Gagdi And The Unwitting Propaganda Of Thugs Importation

         Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi

It's an aphorism that "if the teller of a story is a fool, the listeners are not fools".
The trending video of alleged thugs brought to Dengi from Bauchi by Rt Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi to disrupt APC primary election in the local government on 23rd June, 2021 was not as foolproof as the trenders of the video would want the gullible public to believe; hook line and sinker.

To start with, Dengi, the headquarters of Kanam LGA is a a semi-urban settlement of not less than 100k inhabitants.
Of that number, more than 80 percent of the voting population in that town are members of the ruling All Progressives Congress.

If one quarter of the population are of voting age, we are roughly going to have more than 10k APC members who would have converged at U/Goje Primary School Dengi on that day, to vote in the botched APC primary election.

Now back to the issue at stake, the supposed thugs who were allegedly imported to disrupt the APC primary election were said to be conveyed in three Ford Galaxy busses. Anybody conversant with the bus mentioned above would know that the maximum number of passengers it can convey at any given time are ten, the driver inclusive. By rough arithmetics, the total number of thugs imported to disrupt a gathering of over ten thousand people is 30.

Of course, 30 well armed thugs can disperse a gathering of even 1 million people; this is even against the popular Hausa proverb "sarkin yawa, yafi sarkin karfi".

On the contrary, the said thugs were not found with even a cane (bulala) talk more of a stick ( from the official information obtained from the Dengi Divisional Police Station), yet the trenders of the video would still want its listeners to believe their cock and bull story.

Assuming, without conceding that the said thugs were brought to Dengi for the purpose alleged by the peddlers of the unwitting propaganda, were they apprehended at the venue of the primary or at the residence of the the person alleged to have imported them?

In a version of the stories being peddled, it was alleged that the said thugs asked for the direction to the residence of the parliamentarian who imported them, thereby raising suspicion, which led to alarming the Council Chairman, who brought his thugs to apprehend them before handing them over to the police. The question begging for answer here is, how possible it is to import thugs who are to carry out sinister acts without someone among them who knows the residence of the person that hires them?

For crying out loud, Rt Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi, who is alleged to have imported the thugs is a holder of a Masters Degree in Security Studies and currently undergoing his PhD in the same field. Could he have been so daft to import thugs for such a sinister mission, without giving them a clear direction as to where they were going?

Reliable information at my disposal, as espoused by sources from STF Headquarters in Jos, has it that thugs with over 40 matchets and other dangerous weapons were apprehended with the posters of Dayyabu Garga, and they have confessed to have been brought by the said Garga to execute sinister mission in a bid to help actualize his chairmanship aspiration.

Could it be that the propagators of the blackmail against Gagdi are only doing so to supress the mess their principal is into because of his inordinate ambition to become the Chairman of Kanam LGA?

Like the popular saying, lies spread faster than the truth, but the truth always has the capacity to endure even after the far spread lies had outstayed its purpose in the minds of the gullible.

The truth shall always prevail, no matter how long it is suppressed.


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