Ex Gov Jonah Jang

...Described Him As The Greatest Enemy Of Democracy In The History Of Plateau State 

We are appalled to read some offensive write up from a certain Clinton Garuba who claims to be speaking for former Governor of Plateau State Dara Jonah David Jang as a Media Consultant or (Kwan-sultant). In the shameless statement, he called the hugely peaceful, successful and court-sanctioned Local Government elections held today throughout the 17 Local Government areas of Plateau State as "show of shame, travesty of justice, cowardice and rape of democracy. 

We would have ignored this piece of trash as a "shure shure" (ranting) of a nonentity, rusty, jobless and shameless busy body, but because of the historical antecedents of the message and the messenger in the democratic history of Plateau State, we cannot allow it pass or fail to put the records straight. 

Let's begin with Dara Jonah Jang who is our elders statesman which we would have loved to accord the dignity he deserves if he had shut up his mouth about democracy in Plateau. His antecedents are very well known to even children who were not born during his reign of impunity where he was practically a bully, despot, dictator and bigot of the highest order. 

We find it preposterous that Baba Jang, as he is fondly called will have the effontry to issue a statement condemning an election that followed due process and survived rigorous scrutiny of the courts, including the second highest court in the land (Court of Appeal) even up to few hours before the opening of polls. 

This is the height of irresponsibility and rascality from an arrogant leader that forgets that he has had his time and history has judged him harshly as far as democracy and the rule of law is concerned in Plateau StateandNigeria at large. 

Does he think we have forgotten how he recklessly trampled on Court judgements that were validly delivered during his reign of impunity? Let us remind him about the following. 

1. The late Baba Amagon won election as Executive Chairman of Bokkos Local Government under ACN but the undemocratic dictator forcefully removed him when he came into office. Despite several court judgements mandating him to reinstate him, he refused blatantly. It took the intervention of his alma mater the Kuru Old Boys Association who reminded him that Baba Amagon was his Head Boy in Secondary school. He reluctantly swore him in after 2 wasted years. Baba Amagon died out of frustration and humiliation he suffered in the hands of Clinton Garuba's "hero of democracy" Jonah Jang.
2. Late Chief Hitler Dadi also won election as Executive Chairman of Langtang North Local Government under the same ACN but the same emperor Jang forcefully removed him and other validly elected Local Government Chairmen but he refused to reinstate them in despite several court orders. They fought and got tired and case could not be solved because Jang hated the opposition. It was the grace of God which brought in a true Democrat and emancipator, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong who ensured that some remedy was done to compensate them after they were destroyed by the dictator. 
3. What about the late Chief Dan Dul who also won election and was denied the seat completely by the same emperor Jang? He was also not sworn in despite several Court pronouncements. The emperor and enemy of democracy was at work. Guess who ensured he got some respite by swearing him in, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong. They will not tell you this one. Another case of a Professor who won the Chairmanship of Kanam LGA but got the same treatment is also there. They think we have forgotten. 
4. The same man issuing sentimental Press Statements all over the place decided to demonstrate the highest level of ethnic bigotry and arrogance by jettisoning the gentleman understanding on zoning when he insisted in bringing his brother from the almighty Du Kingdom to succeed him as Governor in 2015. Plateau people rose up and showed him real people-power by soundly defeating his candidate Late GNS Pwajok. Thank God we are beneficiaries of this arrogance which gave a true Democrat, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong the opportunity to Rescue Plateau. 
5. This same Senator Jang even after office continued his journey to perdition by hijacking the remains of the crumbled PDP despite appeals by great Plateau sons and daughters like Gen. JT Usseni, Chief DT Sango, Late Senator Mantu among others to allow the people decide their leaders. He stubbornly insisted on foisting his stooge, Chris Hassan and a kangaroo Exco on the party. Of course, dogged fighters like Hon. Bitrus Kaze approached the courts and his Exco of cards came crushing down the drain. This was the genesis of the exclusion of the PDP from the Local Government elections which his is bemoaning and throwing tantrums at innocent Simon Bako Lalong and the APC. What a shame and pity. 

6. Is this not the same David Jonah Jang when he was Governor of Plateau State performed mathematical wonders beating Albert Einstein, Prof. Chike Obi etc, with 16 is greater than 19 in his desperation to become Chairman Nigeria Governors Forum? Can such a person speak about democracy in his life time again it he has any remnant of dignity and shame? Well, we hope he will humble himself to be schooled by the humble, calculated and honest political maestro, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, KSGG who without any interest or campaign, was unanimously elected as Chairman of the entire 19 Northern Governors. At least now we know why his supporters want to die anytime they hear this position of Northern Governors chaired by Governor Lalong. E de chok dem die! 

Hear this truth Baba, there is no reason crying over spilt milk. Even babies know that. Was it the APC that excluded PDP or took it to Court? It was your arrogance and imposition that pushed your members to go to Court. Why turn around and blame the true Democrat, Governor Lalong? Please shut up and face the consequences of your actions. 

As for the obscure hireling, Clinton Garuba who has another partner in a certain notorious former PA to Governor Jang by name Chris Gyang, we will reserve our energy for you because you are an insignificant irritant. 

We know what you have been doing using Jay FM, which is owned by your sponsor to cause mayhem and instigate crisis in Plateau. We also know how you have spearheaded clandestine propaganda to preach hate and spread fake news not only against the person of Governor Simon Bako Lalong and his Rescue Administration, but against Plateau State with a view to destabilising it. 

Afterall, you have no stake in it because you are not an indegene. You left your State Edo to come and destroy Plateau because of money. If you cannot try this in your State and go free, we will not allow you to do it here. Go and contest elections in your State and stop trying to destroy Plateau. We welcome all good people but not criminals like you. 

As for the elections, it will go down as the most free, fair, peaceful and successful Local Government election in the history of Plateau State and Nigeria. No efforts by you and your e-rats to tarnish this record will succeed. If you say Governor Lalong and the APC has RAPED democracy, then be ready to admit that Baba Jang and the PDP Murdered democracy and are bent on burying it despite efforts by Lalong and APC to resurrect it from the dead. 

Wether you like it or not, Governor Lalong has written his name in gold and will go down in history as one who came, saw and conquered the anti-democracy, anti-peace and anti-people agenda of people like your ignomous benefactor, Senator Jonah Jang whose place in the history of democracy in Nigeria is offensive and in the dustbin. 

God bless Governor Lalong, 
God bless Plateau State, 
God bless Nigeria. 



Comrade Iliya Mark, JP 

Comrade Tina Dabak

9th October 2021.


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