Opinion: Gov Lalong, Don't Allow Your Aides to bury your future Political Ambition- Miaphen

Attention His Excellency Governor Simon Lalong

Your Excellency, the ominous signs are becoming clearer and the decibels getting louder that some of your aides are friendnemies. Danger lurks around, regret and gnashing of teeth might be the next obvious manifestation... I hope His Excellency sees through the smokescreen of contrived deception, I hope His Excellency listens beyond the rumbles of chaos.

The Ship is Sinking and yet the party is on with cheers and jeers like children on an enchanted horse of a merry-go-round. Those who should care do not even know the the wind has wafted away the caution and restraint they ought to ordinarily exercise. Your Excellency, I must as a good disciple of yours sound the warning knell that your political carrier might just be headed for its vestigial cremation.

Your Excellency Sir, I write to let you know that there are many of your aides ( Commissioners, local government Chairmen and other political appointees) who are benefitting big in this administration that can not even bring out a Kobo to defend you or promote your activities. They can best be described as wait and see apostles who are parasitic and will turn saprophytic upon your exit from the political arena. It is my prayer that you heed this timely warning and navigate your political ship aright.

I have watched with pained chagrin and restrained disgust how people insult you and say several negative stuffs about you but these acclaimed appointees of yours can not muster the nerve or resources to sponsor even a small press conference or press statement in your favor. They stand askance, to watch and see.

Sir most of the projects you have done in various local government Councils are not been projected by some of your aides while the criticisms of your opponents tower to very high decibels. A greater percentage of these your aides are so stingy that they have created more enemies for you in their various local government councils where they are seen as nothing but space fillers due to an absence of any sense of impact. If they can not defend you now that you are still Governor, then I wonder what would happen when you are out of office .

Sir our Governor ,we know that you are a good man ,but some of your aides , especially commissioners and local government councils chairmen are not helping you at all. I must reemphasise that some of these aides because of their stingy nature have created more enemies to the APC .

Sir we call on you to identify all these enemies you have in government who still pretend to be your loyalists and replace them with those who genuinely appreciate your good works

Sir as I speak to you ,Ex Governor Jonah Jang and Joshua Dariye still have loyal aides and they can pay any amount of funds to defend and protect their respective images even years after leaving office. I have delicately chosen this medium to alert you that with the way things are going, even your Senatorial ambition is very much threatened because most of your appointees from the southern zones are not on ground and are very unpopular.

We appeal to you to call all this aides to order especially as this administration rounds off soon .

Yours in Active Struggle,
Comrade Prince Miaphen
Coordinator Next Level Ambassador.


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