Plateau 2023: My Sacrifices to the APC Speaks Volume for my Candidacy - Garba Pwul

The Plateau Frontline Gubernatorial Hopeful, Chief Garba Pwul SAN, was Thursday 28th April, 2022 declared his intention to contest for the Governorship of Plateau State, at the new party Secretariat situated at Kalwa house, amidst pomp and pageantry.

Pwul, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, and a God-fearing legal luminary, promised to run an all inclusive government if given the mandate.

Addressing Journalists shortly after his declaration in his chambers, the legal luminary said; "Today I was at the party seccretariat of the APC plateau state mainly to declare formerly my intention to contest the number one seat on the plateau namely the office the governor, plateau state. I did this deliberately after a long period of consultation, inner soul searching and thinking including the past, I've come to conclusion that I'll seek this office under the platform of the APC. Now to the question what value did have I added to the APC the answer is not too far fetched, I am the foundation member of the APC as a party, and I'm the person handling all cases involving the APC, even when the APC was a crawling child, even during the trying times of the party, I was there. When we contested an election in 2015, we gave victory to the APC with Lalong at the helms of affairs as the governor of Plateau State, I was there with the party. All the aspirants who won their election under the platform of the APC were taken to court through election petition, I counsel all of them. APC itself was my client. I'm glad to announce that all those seats were properly defended and successfully defended not one was taken away from us and we've always won with tremendous successes". He said

Pwul SAN, further pointed pointed out his achievements with the party over the just concluded October 9th, 2021 local government elections in the state adding "the election of the local government that took place last year October 9th 2021, was very hectic and turbulent because Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission ( PLASIEC) that has the duty and authority to conduct election barred the PDP from contesting. Quite naturally, they went to court and I was counsel to PLASIEC and the major beneficiary of that exercise was APC. Because for the first time in the history of Plateau State if not other states in the country, a very strong party that control the state for eight years did not have a single chairman out of the 17 Local Government Chairmen were all APC. We have over about 300 Councilors, all of them on the plateau were APC. The elections was virtually a walk over in the the sense that the strong opposition in the state were not allowed to contest. On the eve of the election, which is to say on the 8th of October, we're not sure if the election will be conducted because the court was at the verge of suspending election until PDP participate. I was there for PLASIEC, and we've successfully pull down PDP from participating in that election. Therefore, APC had an easy sail. APC cannot successfully and adequately pay for such tremendous services. After the party Congresses, where party officials were elected, some members of the party who were not satisfied went to court and the as was done in Kano, Bauchi and other states where results were being overturned. In Jos, we have a case too challenging the position of the the chairman, secretary and other positions of the party. We were at the verge of facing very serious consequences of the failure to follow the rules strictly. Winning a case does not always depend on having a judgment, winning a case can also with hand through the instrumentality of the successful settlement with the matter out of court to the benefit of our client, we lost nothing, we have the matter settled. Today, all those who were elected by concensus in APC still enjoyed their offices without any disturbance through the court. These are some of the things I've personally done to add value to the APC. Talking about the APC, I've done more than enough. I'm glad to say with the other aspirants, non can boast of similar contributions to the growth and promotion of the APC in plateau state".

"If we go down memory lane beyond the APC, we're talking of fourty years of my humanitarian service to people on the plateau, fourty years of my philanthropic activities on the Plateau, fourty years of given scholarship, fourthy years of helping the downtrodden, fourty years of representing widows and orphans, fourty years of community social service. Boreholes has been sank, churches have been roofed, clinics has been built and I offset medical bills of people who have been dicharge from hospital but could not leave because they couldn't pay ranging in hundreds of thousands, I've personally paid. In this plateau state, over the fourty years of my practice, I've been able to impact the lives of our people positively".

Pwul also said he believed that it is God who gives leadership and he knows that himself and the entire team have worked tirelessly to talk to delegates and win election for the progressive party come 2023".

He further encouraged all his supporters to work and make peace with other aspirants because this is not a fight. I charged you all to go back and continue to preach Garba Pwul but do not fight with anybody please. Pwul is a man of peace." He added.

On the issue of land grabbing that is being perpetrated by foreigners, he said "it is a very serious matter. Insecurity, land grabbing, violence and so on and so forth, these are things that are not prevelent and somehow peculiar to Plateau. When you want to fix a problem that started somewhere, you now go back to when society worked without that problem. In other words, retrace their root. For me therefore, I'll strengthen the Traditional Rulers, give power back to the Mai Angwas, every police formation must be answerable to the Mai angwa. Then if there's any reason for a Fulani man to think that his cows is in danger he did not take the law into his own hands, he goes to the Mai angwa and lay his complaints and same goes to the farmer if cows enter his farm, he goes to the Mai angwa and report the damage done to his farm. If we go back to that, and we go back to the way we used to lived in those days, plateau state will be a sweetest place to live in and I'll ensure I just do that". He maintained.

A mammoth crowd of the Chanchanta group for Greater Plateau Team, Strategic Team, Elders Forum, Women Groups,Youths Groups, Support Group and well wishers both from the 17 Local Government thronged the APC party secretariat in support of the most likely aspirant to pick the Plateau State APC Gubernatorial ticket in the forthcoming APC Primaries.


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