APC Adminnistration Is Abysmal Failure And Disaster- Padur

The Youth leader of the Peoples Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Plateau State Chapter, Nantip Padur has come hard on the ruling All Progressives Congress APC, describing the 7 year of APC in government as a total "waste and disaster". Adding,
"APC administration, I can confidently and categorically tell you is that they've successfully brought to us Nigerians Insecurity, hunger, banditry, kidnapping, starvation, daily routine of bloodshed, Fulani Marauders and disunity among Nigerians. These are what I can tell you is the achievements and successes of the ruling APC government so far". He asserted. 

Padur, equally berates the infrastructural development projects of the ruling APC, adding, "there's nothing to show  particularly in here in Plateau State, we've lost out totally". 
"I'm from the southern zone of the state where the governor happen to hail there too, we don't have any infrastructural projects there to show for. APC has done nothing to show apart from kidnapping, banditry, terrorism and  food insecurity. Today, farmers cannot afford to go to their farms again because of fear of the unknown". He said. 

Padur is optimistic that PDP on the plateau is now united and waxing stronger adding, "We're so happy and highly optimistic with what is happening on the plateau particularly in plateau PDP, because we're united unlike before that we have the challenges of internal wranglings. But as it a stands today, we're highly united because our leaders have seen the reason why they should come together in other oust the ruling APC come 2023 and by the special grace of God, PDP is going to win the 2023 general elections. You can see it is very glaring with the recently concluded Jos North/Bassa Federal Constituency bye-election, PDP won with a very wide margin against the APC. PDP on the plateau we are very hopeful that we're going win this coming elections". He added. 

The youth leader appreciated the youths for always maintaining law and order and the sacrifices done to the party. Stressing, "You know, there's no party that can function effectively without having the youths participating in it. But what I'm trying to tell you is that we have a very good plan in stock for the youths on the Plateau if we get there". He said. 

He appealed to Plateau people to see that the difference is clear between APC and the PDP, adding : "They've experienced the past and present administrations. Now, cost of living is very high and many Nigerians cannot afford three square meals. So i called on all Nigerians to vote for PDP for a better and credible change unlike that of the APC negative change". He said.


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