Plateau North Senatorial Ticket: We'll Resist any Illegal Attempt to Invalidate Chris Giwa's Emergence- Group



It has come to our notice that a certain group of desperadoes are currently pursuing a futile and illegal attempt to invalidate Amb. Chris Giwa's emergence as the bonafide candidate of the All Progressives Congress for Plateau North for the coming 2023 general elections.

We wish to inform them that we are aware of the gimmicks they are currently employing to ensure that against all odds the resounding victory of the capacitated philanthropist is upturned.

They should be aware that Amb Giwa is the people's project which reflected in the landslide victory he earned having scored an overwhelming 213 votes to defeat his closest rival who scored a distant 150 votes.

How this particular group intend to execute this project which has failed even before its started is mind burgling and leaves one bewildered as even our co-contesters who we see as a family have since conceded defeat, congratulated Amb Giwa and promised to collapse their structure for his victory come 2023.

We wish to send a strong message of caution to this particular group to be aware that the said primary elections held was peaceful, free and fair devoid of any form of illegality and rancour even as the whole process has been diligently captured on tape, with even the gentlemen and officials of the national electoral body monitoring the whole event.

We wish to inform them that should they habour any form of grievance, we advise they use the appropriate intraparty election appeal mechanism to present whatever case and evidence they may possess against this resounding victory.

The people of Plateau North APC have spoken through their votes and have chosen Giwa whom they are aware is the most popular candidate that can thrash the opposition PDP in the coming 2023 elections for the Plateau Northern senatorial zone.

We wish to inform them that any form of attempted illegality undertaken to upturn the victory of Amb Giwa will be resisted and they should be rest assured that the consequences of such actions will be unpalatable.

We urge all the teeming supporters of Amb. Chris Giwa to remain calm as we watch the events unfold. They should be aware that the only voices recognized in Plateau North is the voice of the people, and they have spoken clear and loudly too.

We wish to once again appreciate the delegates for entrusting Amb. Giwa with their mandates and God's willing he shall deliver come 2023.


Pam Tok
Chuwang Gyang
Philip Alfred
Samuel Gyang


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