The Provost of the Plateau State College of Health Technology, Pankshin Dr Francis Fwangje,the Chairman of the Governing Council, Hon Nandang Bako and the Council have been commended for initiating quality projects that would stand the test of time and promote the standard of education in the institution by the Plateau State Government.

The Plateau State Commissioner for Higher Education, Dan-Philip Hirkop gave the commendation on behalf of the Plateau State Government during the commissioning of projects spread across the institution embarked upon by the present administration in the College.

The Commissioner who was visibly impressed with the performance of the Provost,the Council and his management team for fast changing the face of the institution said the projects executed will go a long way in providing a conducive environment for both staff and students of the college to operate.

The hardworking Commissioner revealed that the State Government is working out modalities to construct a befitting administrative block at the College that meets up with modern standards.

Hirkop advised Management, staff and students of the College to make the best use of every opportunity available for the rehabilitation of the institution’s temporary site to make it conducive for learning while Government is working towards going back to the drawing board to reactivate the issue of the permanent site for the College which has for long been abandoned.

n-Philip Hirkop disclosed that the Lalong administration is determined to re-engineer all tertiary institutions in the state academically for global competitiveness by addressing the accreditation and manpower requirements of all the tertiary institutions in the State.

The Commissioner also commended the Governing Council and Management of the College for considering it very necessary to embark on the fencing of the College.
 According to him, the initiative is in line with the directive both at State and Federal levels that all educational institutions must be fenced to address incessant incursion into the Campuses.

In his welcome address, the erudite Provost of the institution, Dr Francis Fwangje explained that the projects executed were part of his administration’s commitment to change the narrative of the College to meet up with the international standard and to also provide qualitative education to students.

The visionary Provost pointed out that his administration since its inception attached topmost priority to providing infrastructural development to create a conducive environment for research and learning to be able to produce credible health workers that are worthy both in character and knowledge in the 21st century.

On the issue of accreditation and the introduction of new courses, the Provost said his administration has done all within its power in the accreditation of some courses while some programmes are still pending as the College awaits the relevant boards of the programmes for accreditation.

To upgrade some HND programmes, the Provost noted that the College has facilitated the introduction of HND courses in Health Information Management and Biostatistics and also introduced two new National courses such as Diploma in Epidemiology and Communicable disease control.

On the issue of security challenges, Dr Fwangje said the College security has improved through additional security men and the installation of a Solar system aimed at lighting some strategic locations within the Campus.

The Provost used the opportunity to list some of the major challenges of the College to include funding, to carry out the day-to-day running of the citadel of learning. Other changes according to the Provost include; lack of standard modern Laboratory, poor electricity supply, insufficient office accommodation, water shortage, Hostel accommodation for students, pending cases of accreditation of some courses among many others.

The Provost appreciated the Governing Council for being supportive of his administration and also thanked the Plateau State Governor Rt Hon Simon Bako Lalong for giving him the mandate to pilot the affairs of the College promising that his administration would be committed and dedicated to providing infrastructural development in the institution.

Projects executed and commissioned were the newly constructed security post and uniforms, renovation of the College main gate and administration block which includes the Provost's office, Bursary and Audit departments, two classroom blocks, the College Board room, new students seats, the introduced tailoring unit, purchase of official vehicle for the Provost, renovation of female Hostels, purchase of relevant textbooks to equip the College Library, a new Laboratory for the College Demonstration Clinic, construction of drainages in the front view of the new Senator Joshua Dariye Hall, among many other projects.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the Governing Council of the College of Health Technology Pankshin, Hon Nandang Bako described the projects initiated,constructed and commissioned as unique for both the College and the Governing Council.
 Stressing that these are the first sets of projects executed during their time.

Bako appreciated members of the Governing Council and the College management for their teamwork.He added that on his part as the Chairman of the Governing Council he would do everything possible to ensure that the institution is given the best in terms of academic and infrastructural development.

The Governing Council Chairman expressed satisfaction with the projects executed in the College and appreciated the Governor for his developmental achievements across the state and assured him of their total support and cooperation to enable them succeed in carrying out this assignment.

Nandang Bako said that the money used for the project was from the internally generated revenue from the College while promising to be transparent and account for any money generated from the institution.

Speaking separately, Permanent Secretary Establishment Hajiya Sadiya Mohammed, Plateau State Commissioner for Health represented by the Director of Administration in the Ministry, Mary Fom and the pioneer Provost of the College, Nasara Girma praised the Provost and his management team for the proactive measures taken by fencing the school as part of efforts to ensure the safety of students and property of the College.

According to them the project embarked upon by the Provost will provide a conducive learning environment for the staff and students most especially the construction and renovation of classrooms and the provision of seats for them to operate.


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