Anxiety in APC, PDP Camps as Plateau Awaits Dariye’s Return

The people of Bokkos Local Government Area as well as the Plateau State Government are planning a befitting reception for the state’s former governor, Joshua Dariye, who is due back in the state after his release from prison following the pardon granted him by the Council of State. KOLADE ADEYEMI examines the atmosphere in the state over Dariye’s freedom.

THE entire Plateau State is bubbling with news of the release of Chief Joshua Dariye from prison. From Qua'an Pan to Dengi, and from Dengi to Barkin Ladi and Jos, the Plateau state capital, everyone seems anxious to see Dariye return as a free man after four years of absence from his home state. Prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for N1.16 billion fraud, he was on June 12, 2018 sentenced to 14 years imprisonment for criminal breach of trust and another two years for misappropriation of public funds.

Since his release penultimate week on health grounds and good behaviour while he was in prison, however, Dariye is yet to step his foot in Jos. The Nation learnt that he was undergoing some medical examination in Abuja where he was also resting. His rest may be necessary considering he will be mobbed by his supporters and well-wishers the moment he steps into Jos. It is necessary that he is in the best possible physical condition to cope with the pressure that would come from the crowd that is waiting to embrace him.

But the news of his freedom has already altered the political atmosphere around the state because he is undoubtedly a rallying point in Plateau politics. Even while in prison, he was believed to have been regularly consulted by many politicians in the state for political direction. It goes without saying, therefore, that his freedom now will impact significantly on the 2023 elections in the state.

The political and judicial events that culminated in Dariye being sentenced to 14 years imprisonment in 2018 is not new to anyone in Nigeria. He was accused by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) of diversion of Plateau state ecological fund and money laundering.

In early October 2006, eight of the twenty-four state assembly members issued an impeachment notice against Dariye. In his defence, he stated that the notice was invalid as the eight could not form a quorum of the assembly as required by law. A crowd of Dariye’s supporters tried to prevent the Assembly members from entering the state assembly building. Riot police then fired into the crowd, killing two protesters.

In spite of the faulty process, Dariye was impeached on November 13, 2006 by a federal-backed eight house of assembly members. His deputy, Michael Botmang, became the new governor. On March 10, 2007, after a Court of Appeal ordered Dariye reinstated as governor, the Plateau State Government announced its intention to appeal to the Supreme Court. On 27 April 2007, the Supreme Court rejected Plateau State Government’s appeal and ordered the reinstatement of Dariye with immediate effect. That was how Dariye completed his second term as governor.

Having survived the first political battle, Dariye was dragged into another by the EFCC. He was accused of money laundering and stealing about $9 million public funds. He was slammed with 23 count money laundering charges filed before a Federal Capital Territory High Court in Abuja. He pleaded not guilty to the charges following which the trial judge, Justice Adebukola Banjoko, fixed November 13, 2007 for the commencement of trial.

But before that date, Dariye had filed an application challenging the competence of the charges and the jurisdiction of the court. He argued that he ought to be tried before a Plateau State High Court and not the FCT High Court. On December 13, 2007, the trial judge heard and dismissed Dariye’s application for lacking in merit. Dariye appealed against the ruling of the court. But the Abuja Division of the Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of Justice Banjoko. Dariye subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court. The apex court, on February 27, 2015 dismissed Dariye’s appeal and ordered him to submit himself for trial. Dariye’s trial resumed on January 26 2016.

At the end of the trial, the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Gudu, Abuja, on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, sentenced Dariye to 14 years imprisonment on the charges of criminal breach of trust and mis appropriation of funds (1.6 billion naira) while he was the Governor of Plateau State. The sentence was then appealed and eventually the Supreme Court gave a final verdict of 10 years jail term for the offence committed.

The Court of Appeal sitting in Abuja on Friday, November 16, 2018 reduced the 14-year sentence against Dariye to 10 years. The presiding judge of the court, Justice Stephen Adah, reduced the charges in the counts to 10 years, while the terms with two years were reduced to one year each. The sentences were to run concurrently. It was while serving the sentence that the presidential pardon was announced.

The opportunity for Dariye’s freedom had been the prayer point of his well-wishers on the Plateau. And the opportunity came after four years in the Kuje Custodial Centre.

But in spite of his absence from the state in the last four years, Dariye’s admiration by the people of the state did not wane. He is not only still admired by many of his people, the political influence he wields among them is still remarkable. “There is hardly any living politician in the state that commands his kind of influence on the political turf. He is a political colossus as far as Plateua State is concerned,” said an analyst.

During his time as the state’s governor Dariye had built himself into a kind of cult hero among the people of the state such that many of them would go with him into any political party he chooses. He had demonstrated that possibility in 2011 when he contested the Senate seat of Plateau Central on the platform of Labour Party and won the election by defeating the candidate of the then ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Dawuda Gowon,  a younger brother of former head of state Yakubu Gowon.

Dariye served as governor of Plateau state between 1999 and 2007, but his political structure subsists in the state till date. His influence and popularity are such that his successors, Jonah Jang and the incumbent Simon Lalong, can hardly measure up with. As a matter of fact, the government of the incumbent Governor Simon Lalong rests squarely on Dariye’s political structures.

The political influence of Dariye is anchored on his large heart. Our correspondent gathered that he is a cheerful giver. He had invested so much in humanity that whatever his interest was became the interest of every other politician in the state. His was nickname, Head Boy, is simply a reflection of how much he commands the political affairs of the state.

The return of Dariye to Plateau State will certainly alter the political equations of the state. Already, the various political parties are falling over themselves to woo him into their camps. The ruling APC is working assiduously to made him remain in the party in spite of his travails. The main opposition PDP on whose platform he served as governor is asking the man to return to his old political party. The Labour Party where he served as Senator before he defected to APC has already offered him a senatorial slot to enable him return to the Senate.

Dariye is being chased by the various political parties on account of his political influence. His freedom, therefore, has a lot of implications for the political setting in the state. While some are celebrating his freedom, others are feeling threatened by it. The mass of the people are just waiting for Dariye to speak so that from his words they would get the direction for their political journey in 2023.

Already, Governor Lalong has led a very powerful delegation comprising top government functionaries and National Assembly members from the state to pay homage to him in Abuja short after he regained his freedom. Lalong told his boss Dariye that the entire state received the news of his release with joy because they have been praying for him since his travails and incarceration. He said so much appeal was made for the pardon granted him and thankfully, the President and other members of the Council of State were magnanimous enough to grant the pardon.

The Governor, while appreciating President Muhammadu Buhari for giving Dariye another opportunity, said it is the time for the former governor to reflect and forgive the people that might have offended him as had been his practice during his previous challenges.

He prayed God to continue to give him sound health even as he offers advice to the state while making available his vast knowledge for the good of the people.


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