Plateau 2023 Guber Race: Dr. Dakum's Candidacy Get a Boost as Local Government Employees, Teachers, Endorses His Candidacy in Labour Party


By Enoch Shaks,Chuwang Dung,Nanzing Zingkong,Bala Usman & Jibrin Dongshi Jos.

The Labour Party (LP) Gubernatorial Candidate in Plateau State, Dr. Patrick Sunday Dakum has picked up major endorsements from the Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) and the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) inPlateau State.

The stakeholders gave the endorsement to back Dakum, a Public Health Physician,the Chief Executive Officer, (CEO), Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) Abuja-Nigeria on Friday 11th November, 2022 at Ken Palace Hotel, Jos during an interactive meeting.

Comrade Ayuba Shamdung, the National Auditor of NULGE who led the delegation of the leadership of the unions drawn across the 17 Local Government Areas of the state, said the union members were impressed by Dakum’s background, describing him as not only competent but he is one of the finest candidates amongst the contestants for the 2023 Governorship elections in the state.

Shamdung who pledged to liase with other sister unions to actualize the dream of delivering LP, in the forthcoming elections at all levels, said the task of ensuring LP victory is a collective responsibility since LP is their brain child in Nigeria, wishing to achieve like in Britain, USA, Canada etc.
He also recalled that being part of the formation of LP, labour unions must venture fully into politics and work hard to support LP candidates whose mantra will make life better for workers and Nigerians at large by cascading the message of Papa,Mama and Pikin in the rural areas.

Others who spoke at the event said that the Labour Party is stronger and more formidable, adding that the party has a widespread structure, as there is a worker in every family across the state and the country at large.

While responding, Dakum who gave a rundown of his profile as a public health physician and practitioner,a former Commissioner of Health and also that of Information in the state,the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Human Virology Abuja-Nigeria said he is honoured to interact with the labour unions on whose party and interest he is seeking the votes of the people of Plateau in the 2023 gubernatorial election.

Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum, a development expert and a mentor of mentors further encouraged the union leaders to work very hard to deliver the party ” this party belongs to you, therefore,we most work together to enable us solve the challenges on ground.”

He noted that with his personal history as a community leader he is committed to aligning with the labour’s goals for a conducive working condition for every worker at all levels.

The God-fearing man and a Sunday school teacher further said, “My commitment is to run a fair and transparent government at all levels.”

He clearly said, with his community development background, he has a deep understanding of the needs of people that are at the grassroots and the plight of teachers and local government workers.
“Coming from the background of community development we will work along with NULGE and NUT to turn the economy of our state around by adopting digital revolution.”

He stressed that workers and communities need leadership that is committed to the promise that no matter their positions they will have the same opportunity to reach their potentials.

He said he has demonstrated that commitment and passion by touring all the local government areas across the state on several occasions to speak with the people and to understand their plights.

Dr Patrick Sunday Dakum hinted that while at the Institute of Human Virology Abuja-Nigeria, he assisted in employing about 270 sons and daughters of Plateau State out of the 950 workforce of the Institute.

Dakum hinted that he mobilized resources from friends, bought drilling machine and sank over 200 boreholes to needy communities in Plateau State as a community worker.
The Labour Party Governorship Candidate and his running mate Hon Barr Edward Pwajok SAN hinted that they will hit the ground running as soon as they are sworn in because they have been in government as members of the state Executive and Security Councils.

Dakum said he is aware of the plight of the local governments where the purported three tiers of government has been ingloriously reduced to two tiers just to pilfer the funds of the local governments.He promised to fight for the autonomy of the LGCs,where they will spend their resources without let or hindrance. He said the LP stands for no shishi for corruption, thus, he will attach the EFCC to each LG to monitor spendings.

Dakum equally promised to solve the issues of pensioners transparently but NULGE, NUT and other LG unions must not abandon Dakum and all LP candidates to address the myriad of Nigerian problems.

The LP Governorship candidate wants to have Plateau Rice,like Edo Rice when he comes into office as the Executive Governor of Plateau State using Central Bank of Nigeria and donor nation's grants.

Dakum assured Plateau workers that he will not "downsize but rightsize"to fill the middle cadre of the Plateau State Civil Service.

Speaking on the educational status of the state, Dakum assured that in collaboration with the NUT and relevant associations, he will make passing centres,real centres.

The LP 2023 Governorship Hopeful emphasized that a Labour Party Government in Plateau State has no secret but transparency,thus,will work with integrity. He tasked all LP supporters to start a house to house campaign for total victory in 2023 general elections.

In his remarks Hon Joel Gwatau, the Director General of the Dakum/Pwajok Campaign Council said the meeting with the NULGE and NUT is very timely because they are partners in progress with the LP Governorship candidate and as stakeholders, they need to be talked to.
Gwatau urged the union leaders to weigh objectively what the visionary LP Governorship candidate has said and allow God to show them direction as God has already chosen and shown the leaders of Nigeria in 2023 even before we get there.
Six leaders of the unions were allowed to ask various questions from the three Senatorial Zones of the state.
Questions on proper documentation before Dakum joined the Labour Party as well as his position on the autonomy of the LGCs was asked by Comrade Nanloh B.Mamdul,the Langtang North NULGE Chairman. Dakum said he properly resigned from the APC and joined the LP at his ward. He said he did not only walked out of the APC but God Almighty delivered Dakum from the APC. He said he paid all the necessary fees for forms and administration charges, filled the forms, submitted, was screened cleared and participated in the LP Governorship primaries, won,got certificate of return, listed in the INEC Portal and has started campaign seriously and effectively to win and sworn in.

On the issue of autonomy, Dakum concurred with it and will set an implementation committee to ensure its existence after putting in place the necessary legal framework with Hon Barr Edward Pwajok SAN, as his Deputy who will advise as required.

Comrade Zilang S. Dapin, the NUT representative from Mangu LGA asked what Dakum will do on the discrimination against LG staff on appointment into political offices,Dakum advised that they write for leave of absence according to the laws applicable.
Godfrey Dewan,the NULGE representative from Kanke asked for a minute's silence for a colleague who died some days ago, who was supposed to be part of the meeting. He appealed to Dakum to support the LG autonomy when he assumes office.

Others spoke on the minimum wage, how the LP will win without structure, bringing back BARC Farm, harmonisation of salaries amongst the three tiers of government etc.

In his response, Dakum said the minimum wage issue will only be addressed with a committee involving the unions and experts.

On winning the elections without structure, Dakum asked a rhetorical question that how did the APC win election in 2015 without structure, was it not the decision of the people?The same people will ensure that the LP wins in 2023 without structure, though the people who are in the LP and those who come Nicodemusly are the structure.

On BARC Farm,Dakum said whoever bought the farm was very wicked for carting away all equipment in the farm and rendering the place useless. Dakum promised to make the farm good for pilot farming,science laboratory and a big employment settlement.

On salary harmonisation, he said that can only be done with the relevant laws and experts.

The backing from NULGE, NUT is the latest high-profile endorsement for Dakum, who is gaining support across the state overwhelmingly.


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