We Are Set To Deliver APC From Top to Bottom in All Wards of Our Zone– Group

Badung Chairman, Plateau Northern Aspirants for state House of Assembly

A group known as Plateau Northern Aspirants for State House of Assembly, under the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has vowed to support and deliver all the APC candidates in the fourth coming 2023 general elections.

The group in a communique signed and issued by Celina Lyop Jakawa to the Age Newspaper, said,
the aspirants who are deeply rooted at the grassroots, have thousands of supporters across their constituencies to deliver APC on the Plateau.

The communique added that; “All Plateau Northern Aspirants for State House of Assembly, have agreed to work passionately for the party and to deliver all candidates who are flying the party's ticket in the 2023 general elections come February 25th and 11th March, 2023 respectively”.

“The group in a meeting at Kalwa house, unanimously agreed to work together across the northern part of state to deliver all APC candidates in the zone”. The statement added.

The chairman of the group, Hon Solomon Samuel Badung alias Autan APC, explained that the decision of the group was taking following prompt intervention of Plateau APC gubernatorial candidate, Dr Nentawe Yilwatda who had called on all those who contested for various positions under the banner of the party.

The chairman of the group said they are calling on all citizens of the state to come out in their numbers to vote for the gubernatorial candidate of the APC, Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda on the day of election, following his track record and clear vision for the state.

The group also appreciates the leadership of the party through the party's chairman Hon. Rufus Bature and also Dr Nentawe Yilwatda for picking a running mate from the zone, adding that hon. Pam Botmang is a humble person and love by all in the zone which makes it easier to deliver the ticket.

They also promise to rally round the deputy governor candidate to ensure the ticket becomes sure come 11th March 2023

The Chairman emphasis that, Dr Nentawe Yilwatda, who took out time to plead with the aspirants who couldn't make it to the ballot under the party, said he is ready to work with them during and after elections, and urged them to forget whatever that has happened and to imbibe the spirit of sportsmanship and forge ahead for a greater and better tomorrow.

In their quest to deliver APC, the Northern Aspirants said with one voice, they will work day and night to deliver their constituencies starting from the Presidential Candidate, of Sen. Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and all the APC flag bearers in their respective wards.

Meanwhile the group also use the opportunity to sympathize with Hon. Damishi Sango over the lost of his wife and also the families of those who lost their lives during the PDP rally along Mangu Pankshin road, and pray that God in his infinite mercy, will comfort their families and the state at large.

Sign by Celina Lyop Jakawa for, Plateau State Northern Zone APC Aspirants (2022).


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