2023 International Youth Day: Youths are Key To Nation Building– Gov Mutfwang

August 12th, of every year has been Marked to celebrate the World International Youth Day by the United Nation (UN).

In Plateau state, while commemorating the world youth day celebration, Governor Caleb Mutfwang has acknowledged the Contributions of the youth to the nation building.

He said the substantial contributions of the youth towards development, underlining the inclusion of numerous young individuals in his administration’s cabinet and strategic government positions. 

The Governor, who was ably represented by the state commissioner of Youth and Sport Bashir Lawandi Datti, stated this in his speech to mark the  the 2023 International “Youth Day” celebration.

Governor Mutfwang highlighted the exceptional qualities possessed by the youth, particularly those from Plateau State, adding that they are productive, resilient, competent, talented, and deeply committed to endeavors that contribute to the overall progress of the state. 

The governor however affirmed his unwavering commitment to support the youths in harnessing their inherent talents.

He expressed his admiration for the Plateau youth’s embodiment of virtues like humility, peace, unity, hard work and expressed his administration’s determination to fostering an environment conducive to the growth of young leaders to ensure that they safeguard Plateau heritage.

He equally acknowledged with pride, the substantial contributions of the youth towards nation building, reasons why his administration has include numerous young individuals in his  cabinet and strategic government positions. 

Governor Mutfwang reiterated his administration’s policy that members of the Transition Committee for the 17 local government areas should be 40 years of age and below.

He further added that the theme of this year's 2023 International Youth Day “Green Skills for Youth Towards a Sustainable World,” aligning it with his administration’s the “Land is Green” mantra. 

Mr Mutfwang Expressed his interest in partnering with the youths to combat the challenges of drug addiction in Plateau, particularly targeting those involved in the import and sale of illicit substances.

He said they should not engage in any vices that is capable of destroying their lives.

Speaking on behalf of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in the state, Salis Muhammad Abdulsalam thanked the ministry of Youth and Sport Development in the state for organizing this year 2023 youth day celebration despite the current economic Challenges facing the country.

Salis called on the youth to know that they are the leaders of today contrary to the old adage that youths are the future leaders of tommorow.

“I want tell you that the youths is the leaders of today not tomorrow”. He said.

He adviced them to embrace skills which is synonymous to the nation's growth and development.

The high point by of the occasion is the paper presentation by an activist and public analyst Luka Panpe, recommend that the governor Caleb Mutfwang administration should as a matter of urgency should design Green Policies that should be implemented within the time frame.

He recommended that the government should be advancing in giving skills and improving  knowing the indepth of sanitation, however called on the government to sanction those erring person or persons who violates the government order on sanitation.

He also advocate for the centralization of all the markets in the state , with this it clean up our street from trading and increase Internal Generated Revenue (IGR).

For all these to be effective Luka Panpe  adviced the state government to think along the line of setting up ministry for Green Skills to achieve its mantra.

Goodwill messages came from the Permanent secretary, ministry of youth and sports development, Mrs. Rebecca Shaseet, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Secondary Education, Director of Spprts, Civil Society Organizations, amongst others.

The eventevent took place at Azi Nyako Youth Centre Dadin Kowa, Jos,


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